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KB #240033: Error – Cannot open file vbame.dll

Type: Fix
Microsoft’s SQLDMO requires the special VBAME.DLL when running on a machine with a Middle Easter Language localization.
Additional Information:
Older versions of the Encryptionizer Admin Wizard (secadmin.exe) and the Encrypt/Decrypt Wizard (secncrpt.exe) both use Microsoft’s SQLDMO. When running on a machine with a Middle Eastern Language localization, it requires the special VBAME.DLL, otherwise you may receive the following error:

   Cannot open file vbame.dll

If you have the Middle Eastern Language localization, you probably already have this DLL. However, if not, you can download version from https://netlibsecurity.com/files/vbame.zip

You should unzip it into the %SystemRoot%\System32 directory, normally:
c:\winnt\system32 -or- c:\windows\system32


Last modified: 1/13/2016
