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KB #240056: Encrypt/Decrypt Wizard: Error – could not access file




The Encryptionizer Encrypt/Decrypt Wizard must have access to a file to be examined – otherwise it will provide the message “Error – could not access file” within the file list.

Additional Information:

The Encryptionizer Encrypt/Decrypt Wizard is able to encrypt, decrypt, re-encrypt and validate selected files. However, it must have access to those files to examine their current encryption status. In the third screen (Choose Files..) of the Encrypt/Decrypt Wizard, after you choose the files you wish to process, the Wizard will examine those files for current encryption status. If those files are held exclusively by another process, you will see the message “Error – could not access the file” within the file list

When encrypting SQL Database files (MDF, LDF), if the files to be processed are attached to a running SQL instance, those files are being held exclusively by the SQL process. You can stop the instance or detach the database in order to access the files.

For other files/databases, you must determine if another process has a hold on the files. Make sure that an application that accesses the files is not running.

Last modified: 7/8/2016
